The Factories
Cod liver (smoked and non smoked) & Cod liver Paté
In Iceland we have the company Akraborg with two production sites. The main factory is located in the town Akranes, approximately 40 km from Reykjavik, and the second production site is located in the small town of Ólafsvík, 150 km from Reykjavik.
The production is based only on fresh raw material, of which we have a steady year-round supply, due to our vast supplier base gathering raw material from all over Iceland’s coastline.
The main shareholder is LYSI hf., who is the largest supplier of fish oil.
In the main factory in Akranes, the capacity is approx. 18 million cans a year. In the Ólafsvík factory the capacity is approx. 5 million cans a year.
We are IFS higher level certified, as well as MSC and SMETA certified. Furthermore, both factories are HACCP and organic certified.
All products are jointly packaged in the Akraborg factory. The final consumer packaging undergoes extensive quality assurance, with each product being weight checked and x-rayed before leaving the factory site.
Organic Tropical Fruit
The company Lanna Fruit is located near the town of San Pa Tong, about 35 km from Chiang Mai city in the northern part of Thailand. We co-own the factory with long-lasting partners, and run the business together.
The factory is 100% focused on the organic segment and hold all relevant certifications and export approvals. We work closely with local farmers, and constantly work with additional farmers to get their farms, fields and crops certified as organic.